洲际交易所(ice)为金融和大宗商品市场提供世界领先的交易所和清算所网络。 随着全球金融市场的不断发展,对创新和敏捷性的需求与日俱增。您需要交易所和清算服务为您提供的风险管理解决 方案位于您业务所在的时区和监管辖区。 ICE Clear Singapore Counterparty risk management + post-trade services for Asian derivatives Supporting ag, FX, metals, equity derivative and digital assets clearing ICE Futures Europe is home to futures and options contracts for crude oil, interest rates, equity derivatives, natural gas, power, coal, emissions and soft commodities. So, whether you're hedging against the future cost of jet fuel, petrol/gas prices at the pump, a change in interest rates or the cost of electricity, our markets provide a cost Futures, options and OTC markets and clearing houses, strategically designed to deliver global scale and local infrastructure across asset classes wherever our customers trade, invest or manage risk. 公告事項: 一、公告香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, HKEx)之金屬類(Metal)、 ICE新加坡期貨交易所(ICE Futures Singapore)之匯率類(FX)、韓國交易所(Korea Exchange,KRX )之利率類(Interest)、匯率類(FX)及股票類 (Stock)契約 為期貨商得受託從事 一、公告香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, HKEx)之金屬類(Metal)、ICE新加坡期貨交易所(ICE Futures Singapore)之匯率類(FX)、韓國交易所(Korea Exchange, KRX)之利率類(Interest)、匯率類(FX)及股票類(Stock)契約為期貨商得受託從事期貨交易之種類。 Tailor a comprehensive set of market insights and information to address your needs with pricing and analytics, indices and exchange data in a secure, flexible connection. Our data solutions cover a broad range of asset classes, delivered securely to help you address your investing, trading, compliance and risk management requirements.
ICE Futures Europe is home to futures and options contracts for crude oil, interest rates, equity derivatives, natural gas, power, coal, emissions and soft commodities. So, whether you're hedging against the future cost of jet fuel, petrol/gas prices at the pump, a change in interest rates or the cost of electricity, our markets provide a cost 洲际交易所(ice)为金融和大宗商品市场提供世界领先的交易所和清算所网络。 随着全球金融市场的不断发展,对创新和敏捷性的需求与日俱增。您需要交易所和清算服务为您提供的风险管理解决 方案位于您业务所在的时区和监管辖区。 備註:1、標記★號為保證金變動商品,5月15日收盤生效.( 以上資料僅供參考,請以交易所公告為準。由於各項商品行情有時波動幅度甚大,請投資人於下單前,向您的業務員再次確認最新保證金標準 )。 一、公告香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, HKEx)之金屬類(Metal)、ICE新加坡期貨交易所(ICE Futures Singapore)之匯率類(FX)、韓國交易所(Korea Exchange, KRX)之利率類(Interest)、匯率類(FX)及股票類(Stock)契約為期貨商得受託從事期貨交易之種類。 12 美國CBOE期貨交易所 The CBOE Futures Exchange CFE INDEX 13 美國紐約商業交易所 The New York Mercantile Exchange NYMEX METAL 美國紐約商業交易所 The New York Mercantile Exchange NYMEX ENERGY 14 美國洲際期貨交易所 ICE Futures U.S. ICE Futures U.S. FX 美國洲際期貨交易所 ICE Futures U.S. ICE Futures U.S Futures, options and OTC markets and clearing houses, strategically designed to deliver global scale and local infrastructure across asset classes wherever our customers trade, invest or manage risk.
It is a membership club, created to revolutionize the trading market of digital coins. In a competitive billion dollar market to which only a few have the access to, TCC's software is developed by a specialized team bringing the opportunity to anybody to start in the trading market of digital coins, obtaining automatic gains in three levels of risk our semi-automatic in 30 coins, with a
一、公告香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, HKEx)之金屬類(Metal)、ICE新加坡期貨交易所(ICE Futures Singapore)之匯率類(FX)、韓國交易所(Korea Exchange, KRX)之利率類(Interest)、匯率類(FX)及股票類(Stock)契約為期貨商得受託從事期貨交易之種類。 Tailor a comprehensive set of market insights and information to address your needs with pricing and analytics, indices and exchange data in a secure, flexible connection. Our data solutions cover a broad range of asset classes, delivered securely to help you address your investing, trading, compliance and risk management requirements. ICE 新加坡期貨交易所 (ICE Futures Singapore) 之匯率類 (FX) 、韓國交易所 (Korea Exchange, KRX) 之利率類 (Interest) 、匯率類 (FX) 及股票類 (Stock) 契約為期貨商得受託從事期貨交易之種類。 文號:金融監督管理委員會 107 年 8 月 27 日金管證期字第 1070327409 號 107.9.6 SWA/19 CLI Get Official Stock Quotes, Share Prices, Market Data & Many Other Investment Tools & Information From Singapore Exchange Ltd Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is an American company that owns exchanges for financial and commodity markets, and operates 12 regulated exchanges and marketplaces. This includes ICE futures exchanges in the United States, Canada and Europe, the Liffe futures exchanges in Europe, the New York Stock Exchange, equity options exchanges and OTC energy, credit and equity markets. 公告事項: 一、公告香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, HKEx)之金屬類(Metal)、 ICE新加坡期貨交易所(ICE Futures Singapore)之匯率類(FX)、韓國交易所(Korea Exchange,KRX )之利率類(Interest)、匯率類(FX)及股票類 (Stock)契約 為期貨商得受託從事 對布倫特原油影響最大的資產 . 貨幣: 美元 商品: 天然氣 債券: 國債(可市場交易、利率固定的美國政府債券)。 指數: 布倫特指數(洲際交易所ice布倫特期貨的現金結算價格,基於ice期貨布倫特指數)和美國西德克薩斯中質原油(wti)(一種原油等級,用作石油定價的基準,是紐約商品交易所石油期貨
Euro Fx. (6E) USD 1,980. Mini Euro Fx (E7) USD 990. Gold (GC) USD 6,600. Silver (SI) USD 6,600. Mini Gold (QO) USD 3,300. ICE Agricultural Futures *客戶須在每月交易所之最後交易日的前一個交易日內自行在下午1:00前把即月合約平倉,否則本公司有權替客人強行平倉而不作事先另行通知。
The Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange - BM&F BM&F 巴西期货交易所 The Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange - BM&F 增强了巴西经济的表现 并反应对政治风险的减低 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 2004年6月 161 EMBI BR - 和美国国债之价差 2005年6月 2006年6月 2007年6月 The Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange - BM&F 国家外汇储备的 擁有SGX , CME , CBOT , COMEX , Eurex , Euronext , ICE , Liffe. 等這些全球知名交易所的交易會員資格與認證 , 我們的直連市場接入 (DMA) 交易系統(或透過複委託) , 直接(或複委託)連結國外交易所的主機線路 , 更是出色於全球交易所的評選會員資格。 直接(或複委託)下單至
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